What is meant for you will reach you even if it is between two mountains, and what is not meant for you won’t reach you even if it is between your two lips.
Everything has been destined. The life that I live, the air that I breathe, the path that I encounter, the food that I eat, the book that I read – basically everything that has happened or will ever happen to me – was already written.
And I believe that what’s written to be mine would never step on the wrong pathway or find others.
If things cross my path but don’t stay, they simply don’t belong to me. Maybe they just pass through the same road. Maybe they are still on their way to someone else.
Knowing this, I should find more peace in life. Yet, I often find myself worrying. I worry about tomorrow, about things that haven’t even happened yet. I am filled with worries, even though I know they aren’t necessary. Although what tomorrow might bring has already been fated.
The people I pass by on my way to the market have been determined; they’re not just a bunch of random people that I bump into. The book that I choose to read has also been destined; it’s not like I’m getting confused about what to read and picking it randomly. That’s a concept that I often forget exists.
And it goes to same to the reason I am here.
My existence in this world is not merely because my mom and dad got married and wanted a daughter, so they tried hard to have one and then there was me. It’s not that simple.
I exist in this world – even now – because my life was destined long before I was born. Perhaps it’s because I have something to contribute to this earth that is beneficial to many people. Maybe I am here to learn and grow wiser by understanding the thoughts of those I meet. Or perhaps I could be someone’s reason to continue their life.
It is actually a beautiful concept if only I have the will to learn and accept it. Similarly, the failures I face today are not due to bad luck. Rather, they are a part of my life that has been chosen for me, whether to make me stand back up stronger or to stay in the place mourning the fall.
The same goes for everything I ask in my prayers. I should find more peace knowing that my life has been set, even as I still have the ability to shape it as best as I can. I shouldn’t be so scared, because in reality, life is simpler when I just live it well. Even though many mysteries remain hidden, I will never miss what is destined for me.
The things meant for me will find me at the best path and time that has been determined.
Then I look back at everything that has happened, at the people who crossed paths with me or still keep in touch – they’re all not a mere coincidence, and at all the events I have faced. They did not cross my path without reason. After all, they have taught me so much.
They taught me to appreciate things, whether they are good or bad. To respect every moment, recognizing that it often passes quickly and fades, becoming only a memory. These lessons remind me to cherish the present and find meaning in every experience, as they are all part of the journey that was destined for me.
And I am content knowing that everything happens as it should.
NOTES: Well… I’ve been reflecting a lot lately. Wondering why so many things I want don’t happen, and instead, the opposite does. I forget that I’m not in control and don’t have the power to manage everything in life. All I can do is live through it. Then I remembered the concept of destiny. In my religion, it’s called qadr (قدر), something that was predetermined long before I existed.
So, I thought about it again, questioning why I keep dwelling on it. If the things I want don’t happen, it means they weren’t meant to be. If the door I keep knocking on doesn’t open, it just wasn’t my door then.
It’s actually that simple… but I still often forget and act like I can control everything to go my way… Anyway, I hope this writing helps someone else, too.