May flowers bloom between the cracks within you

How many times has your heart been shattered by the harsh realities of life? How many times have you wilted only to fall to the ground fragile and broken, feeling as though you’ve given all you had and still it wasn’t enough? It’s hard, isn’t it?



The weight of life can feel unbearable, as though each blow leaves a permanent scar on your soul. You may wonder how much more you can endure before you break completely. But, despite all this, you still stand. Even when everything seems to be falling apart, you remain there despite being in pieces.

You, me, and all of us, we share the same hope for a better life. We look for meaning, for purpose, for something that can carry us through the storms. Almost a year ago, when the year was about to change, I’m sure the night passed with prayers and wishes sent up to the sky.

The end of the year always brings a sense of reflection, doesn’t it? It’s a time when we look back on everything we’ve been through, both the good and the bad, and wish for a fresh start. We whisper our hopes for a brighter future into the quiet of the night, sending them into the universe as if by doing so, we can somehow shape our destiny.

We wish for a brighter path, for a future full of promise, and for a life that has meaning. These are the dreams that live in our hearts, that push us forward even when the world seems heavy.

But dreams alone won’t carry us. We must walk through the darkness even when we can’t see the light. Every step is uncertain, and every choice is like it could change everything. Yet, we continue forward, driven by the hope that one day we’ll find the peace we so desperately seek.

However, throughout the way way, we often don’t find a smooth road. The path is full of twists and turns and unexpected obstacles that seem to appear out of nowhere. We do realize that life is sometimes unpredictable and wild.

Some days, life can be so generous and kind. It is showering us with good things so much so that we forget – this too, might not last forever. We get caught up in the present joy and comfort and never considering that they could slip away. It’s easy to forget that everything is temporary when everything is going well. But that’s the irony, isn’t it? The good times can feel so permanent in the moment, but actually they are as fleeting as the bad times.

Then on other days, the world turns its back. It happens in the blink of an eye, as quickly as a leaf falling from a branch that is swept away by the wind. Just when you think you’ve found your footing, life throws you back into the chaos. It’s as if the universe has a way of reminding us that nothing is guaranteed, not even our happiness.

We start to wonder, how did everything change so fast? But it’s a cycle. It is a rhythm that we all must learn to dance to. One day, you’re on top, and the next, you’re falling, unsure of where the ground is.

So who should we blame for this cycle? Who is responsible for these waves of emotion that toss us around like ships in a storm? It’s not others, it’s not the universe, nor is it your God. It’s not even you.

Life simply goes as it does, indifferent to our desires and plans. What things it may bring are beyond our control. All we can do is endure and adapt.

We have no control over what will happen in the future. In truth, no future rests in our hands today. We cannot predict what’s to come or prepare for every twist in the road. We can only move forward and hipe that the next moment will be better than the last. All we can do is work toward the possibility that tomorrow might be a little better than today.

And along the way, we must wrap ourselves in the belief that we can stand tall on our own two feet, because our strength lies in our ability to endure, to rise after every fall, and to keep moving forward even when we don’t know where the road leads.

I’ve always believed that things have their own time. My happiness won’t last forever, and neither will my sadness. The highs and lows are part of being human, and they are temporary. My joy won’t endure, nor will my sorrow. My bloom won’t last forever, just as my wilting won’t.

But that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? The impermanence of our feelings reminds us to appreciate the good when it comes and to understand that the bad will pass. Everything has its season.

So I hope that the cracks you feel don’t make you numb to the pain. It’s okay to feel broken, to feel as if the world has given up on you. It’s okay to feel lost in the darkness. But don’t let it steal your ability to hope, to dream, to feel. I hope that in the spaces between those cracks, flowers can grow with its colorful petals that bring even the smallest flicker of hope to your heart.

Because it’s nevessary for all of us to realize that even in the darkest time, there is still beauty to be found, even in the places where we least expect it.

And I hope, that those flowers are you who is trying to slowly rising from your hardships. May you find the courage to bloom even when it feels impossible. Embrace your sorrow, your wounds, your sadness, your complaints, and your struggles. Let them be the soil from which your strength grows. Little by little, let them fall away, and grow into a version of yourself that is even more beautiful than before.

You are not defined by your pain. You are defined by how you rise from it. And with every rise, you become more radiant, more resilient, more you.




Written by nabil

Find me through: @adzranabs on instagram

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